Who is WE? WeCreate artisan events? "WE" are corporate professionals, artisans and producers of four mighty fine "hand-made" artisan events in The Bay of Quinte Region & Prince Edward County! The Mother of all Craft Shows, Mistletoe Magic Artisan Show and Sale and NEW in 2022 ... Artisans at the Museum!
Well, we create. In fact, we love to create. We love design. We love being inspired by what we see.
We also dabble in the arts. Both of us. Art forms of many kinds. We’ve even turned this passion into a profession where we each individually create, design or promote the arts in one way, shape or form.
We’re awestruck when we see The UNIQUE. The ORIGINAL. The QUALITY. The WORKMANSHIP and The ATTENTION TO DETAIL found in just about everything conceived by an artisan who loves what they do. Who do it with their own hands - and maybe feet too - turning a little something into awesome handmade goods!
We love to assemble. We gather a group of like-minded individuals who share the same passion and love for creation and their art.
We like being different. Kinda original, we think. We have so many ideas and we’re always putting pen to paper drawing up new ones, new plans, new shows.
But most of all, we love to share the good word about hand-made and the arts. It’s what we do best! We’re Connie Yrjola & Barb Forgie (aka Glamour Junkie Jewellery and My Stuff.)
We're WeCreate artisan events! Proudly producing and promoting Quinte Region's original and finest award-winning artisan events since 2003!
Creator, support or plain ol' lover of the arts... we'd love you to check us out!